Hey my name is Kevin, and I write stories, dialogue, text, and lore.
I'm a diehard fan of RPGs and indie games like:
I've got 30 video game projects under my belt including the puzzle game Inhabit (https://store.steampowered.com/app/2095060/Inhabit/) , the match3 dating game Adorable Crush (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1266800/Adorable_Crush/), the escape room Alone in Outer Space (https://www.oculus.com/experiences/rift/2971310939663344/) and the upcoming cozy farm sim Chill Town (https://store.steampowered.com/app/1940200/Chill_Town/ ) And I'm always looking for more games to write for.
I know good stories and smart dialogue have the power to create a magical and immersive experience for players, while believable, multilayered characters can transport players into the game world and leave them with a sense of wonder and accomplishment that no other part of games can.
I'm definitely open to collaborating or being hired out by a dev team to write any kind of content for you.
See my portfolio at kevinmzimmerman.com.